Since my last post on 19th November 2021 I have learnt profoundly huge lessons and gained trememdous clarity, stability and confidence in living my design and for my path forward.

Before today I never felt the desire to write a book because I didn't feel I had anything original to say. But recent breakthroughs suddenly inspired the desire to turn the lessons of my journey into a book dedicated to guiding Manifesting Generators.

Therefore, over the coming days and weeks I am committed to writing a blog post for each valuable lesson I've learnt over the last 7 months with the long term goal of turning those posts into a book to sell on Amazon. In the short term my goal is to share those learnings with the world and use them to aid in coaching Manifesting Generators to rapidly and experientially learn to live their design.

Below are the lessons I've learnt since I began my Manifesting Generator journey plus some more general lessons in self-evolution. Links will be added to the posts as I create them:

Redefining Me

Many times I have pondered what Special Gifts I took for granted or felt too humble to publicly admit. Yesterday while listening to a podcast the host addressed the topic of Special Gifts and I instantly felt a sacral response letting me know it was time to contemplate it again!

For many years I've fantasised about being successful in business so that I could coach other people to achieve the same. While my motivation was noble, I've been naive because it's painfully obvious that my life experiences to date haven't been gearing me up to be a 'business coach'. My forte as it seems is all about helping people to unearth the wisdom they were born to learn and share with the world. Then if they are a Manifesting Generator, I can teach them how to let their feelings be there guide.

What I receive the most praise for and am most proud of, are the pragmatic results of my contemplations on how to live as a Manifesting Generator and most effective application of the Law Of Attraction.  Whether I communicate them verbally or through my writings, I am at my peak when I am in a calm state of mind and have the time to articulate the findings of my contemplations and feelings.

So I decided to redefine who I am. I am a philosopher and a writer. Inspiration drops in for articles or a contemplation causes a shift in consciousness that inspires me to write an article to share with the world.

And I feel SUPER clear about my path of alignment. In the middle of the night I wake up with streams of thoughts that I need to write down lest I forget! My sacral is bursting with energy and I'm making use of every moment. Site Updates

I'm finally fleshing out this site with an About page to tell my story to date, a Contact page and releasing my first paid service to help like-minded souls to answer the question "How can I be of the greatest service to humanity?". This is a service that I could have offered a year ago but lacked the believe in my self-worth to do so!

KaHuna Australia Project

Last week I decided it was time to action another site update to fix an SEO issue in all the profiles. So I planned that update and pretty much smashed it out in a day.

Next step is to add advertising to the site so it can be self-sustaining.

About the Author

Mark J Reynolds

Mark Reynolds is a 4/6 Manifesting Generator who believes finding and staying in alignment as much as possible, is the ultimate efficiency hack.