Want to deeply reconnect with the guidance of your higher-self and feel profound bliss in one foul swoop?
What I'm about to share with you is NOT easy but I implore you to strive to achieve it at least once so you can comprehend what you are missing out on.
4 or 5 years ago I became so frustrated with my life situation despite the 1000's of hours and dollars I was putting into my business ideas and going nowhere. I had been sacrificing and plunging every spare moment of my time and savings into my business ideas for as long as I could remember. So one day I gave up. I realised that if I just focused on enjoying my life then at least one part of my life would be working!
For the 6 weeks that followed, I worked my day job and then did whatever the hell I felt like. With zero thoughts about my future, I just lived in the moment. Instead of working till midnight on my computer, I went out for dinner with friends, caught a movie, exercised etc.
The benefits I experienced:
- I had reconnected with the joy of living and being happy in the present moment.
- Because I was present to what I felt like doing, I was correctly responding without even realising it (this was way before I discovered Human Design).
- Because my mind wasn't running 100 miles an hour and I was now connected to my feelings, my Higher-Self was able to guide me to start something meaningful and beneficial to my soul.
What did I start? Ever since I went down the spiritual rabbit hole and moved to another city I felt the yearning to make friends with other spiritual locals. I felt a strong calling to start a simple Meetup group to bring spiritualists together for dinners. I called it "Dinners With Destiny". People LOVED the name and the group grew quickly. I made many friends through it and learnt at lot.
Imagine This
Imagine what it would feel like to not have a care in the world. Imagine waking up in the morning and have literally nothing you need to do, be, have, think about or plan for the future. You get to be completely selfish and live in the moment.
Now do it for real.
Complete Surrender
If you are constantly thinking about your work or projects and trying to press forward while you are meant to be "waiting to respond" then I challenge you to take a sabbatical from those thoughts completely! Literally surrender ALL seeking and allow your higher-self to bring it to you. Complete Surrender is the most powerful way to "wait to respond".
The decision of surrender has to be a 100% commitment of resignation from all your effort (physical and mental) or you will not feel the full extent of the bliss or the beneficial results of it.
I've fully surrendered 3 times. The first was the most profound and lasted the longest. The 3rd time was last year and only lasted a few hours because it instantly reset my energy and I felt an almost instant wave of exciting opportunity wash over me, and impulsive action followed. I was back to work quickly.
The reason I wrote this article is to challenge you to SURRENDER while "Waiting to respond". The more you can remove your mind from the experience and deeply feel and obey your feelings, the easier it will be for your Higher-Self to guide and move you.
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