Dig Your Diamonds
To Unearth Your Worth!
While Human Design describes HOW to best serve your purpose...
...My NEW PROCESS extracts the SPECIFIC WORK you were born to do, within a single 90 minute session!
Hi my name is Mark Reynolds and for 17 years I poured ridiculous amounts of time, effort and money into the wrong business ideas (& lots of domain names) while searching for my life purpose.

Even more ridiculous is that over the years, I had developed a series of DEEP questions to powerfully extract what our hearts are calling us to do using the wisdom we have experientially earned... BUT... because I did not feel "worthy" of doing this work, I kept it to myself.
After a firm push from a friend, I finally tested my process with 13 people... and had a 70% success rate! And that was BEFORE I discovered Human Design... which added even more potency to the result!
If you've been pouring over the meanings of your Human Design chart centres, gates, and channels and are frustrated because you are still no closer to figuring out what specific work you are here to do, then it's time to experience the Dig Your Diamonds process!
This Is For You If...
Ready To Swap Frustration For Profound Clarity + Clear Direction?
Dig Your Diamonds is a 1-on-1 Zoom session where I’ll ask you a series of DEEP questions to unearth the diamonds you are meant to share with the world. During this 90 minute session, you’ll discover…
Raqual Paiva
Gold Coast, Australia
" I must admit that you are a very good listener, since you managed to effectively put into words what I was struggling to verbally express. You caught very well my ideas, struggles and main points.
Your questions were interesting and with a deep meaning and when you brought more aspects of my personality into the equation through my Human Design profile it made me reflect about my situation in a completely new perspective. This was a very valuable session! "
Dell D.
QLD Australia
" This session was very valuable for me. The questions required me to look deep within myself to find the answers. I had been stuck for a very long time as to what is my passion, always flitting from one thing to the next. It was amazing as it helped me to get clarity on my future. "
Gemma K.
" This definitely put the ideas floating around in my head into better perspective and made it more certain. "
Kirsty C.
QLD Australia
" By the end of the session, I was surprised by how clear I was about my life purpose and how easy it feels to be able take action to move into my dream job. It will take some time, but I'm super clear on how to get myself there. "
Kaylene F.
QLD Australia
" It helped me to gain more clarity and has given me direction for the next steps in my journey and to base my future business ethos around my 'why'. "
When you've found your purpose, imagine...
You can book up to 60 days in advance. If there are any issues with this, you may contact me here.
How much you receive from this session is largely dependent on how ready you are to expose and acknowledge what we find. If you aren't able to see the wisdom in your wounds, it's a pretty good indication that you aren't ready yet.
While I cannot make unrealistic guarantees, I can promise that if my service does not meet and exceed your expectations, then you are welcome to ask for a partial or full refund.
As a strong believer in the Law of Attraction, I desire what is vibrationally healthy for both of us.
After purchase, you will be redirected to my booking page to schedule your session. You will also receive an automated receipt from Stripe and another with a link to schedule your session if you aren't able to do so immediately.
Sometimes the impact of new insights is not realised until days or even weeks after the session, because you need time to integrate and observe life through the lens of your new awareness.
Therefore, to aid your integration, you will immediately receive:

Integration Time Is ESSENTIAL
Sometimes the impact of new insights is not realised until days or even weeks after the session, because you need time to integrate and observe life through the lens of your new awareness.
Therefore, to aid your integration, this offer includes: