Stop looking for a specific vocation to pigeon hole yourself into. We were never meant to do that.

Start with identifying:

  • the challenges you feel most drawn to solve
  • the people longing for your solution
  • and whom you feel called to serve

Often these challenges are tied to the deepest wounds and longest fought struggles you personally overcame or are still overcoming in your own life. It is the wisdom you gain from these challenges that you are meant to go forth and share with others but in your own special way.

Start experimenting to discover what solution feels right for you as you marry together all your passions of unlimited energy, natural strengths, what you feel perpetually called to do, your visions, life experience and wisdom and the people you would have the greatest fulfilment in serving.

Be fearless in blazing your own trail.

Want Help to Do This?

Add a comment of "Following" below if you would like me to record a video to walk you through a 30min exercise to extract all of the above from you.

As an ajunct we could potentially share what you discover about yourselves in a recorded 1 on 1 interview with myself or in a Hot Seat Session and see if we can get you pointed in the right direction for 'Experiencial' exploration.

About the Author

Mark J Reynolds

17 years of soul searching led me to discover that what lights me up the most also gives me huge amounts of energy. Efficiency and shining the spotlight on others is a passion that permeates through everything I do.

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